Rocky Dickerson

Superior Service
Rocky Dickerson is the son of two real estate brokers in San Diego. Because of that, Rocky has been around the real estate industry all of his life. His very first memory was he was 1 year old watching his parents building a brick bar in the fixer upper they lived in so they could sell it at a profit. Through the years, Rocky worked with the family real estate business helping to flip homes and fix up apartment complexes. As his family's business grew to own hundreds of apartments, Rocky learned investment real estate, 1031 tax deferred exchanges, condo conversions and more. And so, Rocky Dickerson has a vast amount of knowledge to help his clients understand much more about their real estate than location, location, location. Rocky was instrumental in creating successful limited partnerships for apartment complexes.
After achieving that, he went out on his own (when VA and FHA loans had dropped to around 15%) and began selling residential real estate for a small Century 21 franchise. Through good and bad markets Rocky Dickerson became known as an expert in selling homes fast. In fact, Rocky Dickerson gained a reputation for selling real estate in creative ways. In fact, Rocky became known as an innovator in residential real estate. Rocky was also known for delivering a superior level of service and accomplishing what some said could not be done. He went on to become one of the top 10% of agents in the Southern California area.
Rocky left the real estate industry after 11 years as an agent and in the years since has been hired by real estate companies in California as well as Nevada to train, recruit and manage agents. He has been known for his innovative practices in helping the agents he guided to get more homes sold faster. In late 2020 Rocky came back to the real estate industry as an agent to bring back a superior level of service to the Las Vegas marketplace just as he had in San Diego. What is Superior Service? It is delivering upon every promise and showing up on time. It is never having to say "I promise" because his client's know Rocky's word is his bond. It is also helping sellers who have been disappointed by other agents in the past and delivering the sale of the house in a timely fashion. Superior service is what every seller and buyer desires and deserves.
Rocky Dickerson delivers Superior Service with integrity and punctuality. Therefore, if you are looking for an agent that is on time, keeps his promises and gets the job done, call Rocky Dickerson today at (702) 743-7625.
How do I get started?
Selling and buying real estate can be far more complicated than most people imagine. That’s where Rocky’s experience comes in best. As someone who began his career in investment real estate, Rocky’s approach is far more consultative. So, call Rocky for a free initial consultation. Rocky will listen to your needs, your goals and objectives. From there Rocky will determine a plan of action that makes the best sense for you. Call Rocky today at (702) 743-7625.